Article 4314

Title of the article



Khizhnyak Denis Sergeyevich, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, sub-department of forensic science, Saratov State Law Academy (1 Volskaya street, Saratov, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. Forensic activities are multifaceted and subject to constant changes, which lead to the necessity of consideration of forensic (investigation) situations of different types. The study of these situations has a methodological significance for forensic science and practice.
Materials and methods. The research material included theoretical provisions set forth in the forensic scholars’ books devoted to the problems of forensic situations and transnational crimes. Based on the scientific method of analysis and comparison of different points of view of scholars in the sphere of forensic (investigation) situations and the heuristic method of study of the peculiarities of transnational forensic (investigation) situations, the author substantiated specificity of the latter.
Results. Consideration of specificity and diversity of manifestations of transnational forensic (investigation) situations with their phased nature allowed the author to give the definition of a transnational forensic (investigation) situation, which is largely controversial in forensic science, as it is often replaced with the taxonomy of its kinds.
Conclusions. The specific nature of the transnational forensic (investigation) situation should be considered in close connection with the nature of its informational components.

Key words

forensic science, forensic (investigation) situation, transnational crime.

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Дата создания: 09.02.2015 13:46
Дата обновления: 09.02.2015 14:39